Get inspired by the latest in color and design!
Choose the perfect shade from a wide spectrum of color families. The following online tools are great for people that have difficulty visualizing the myriad of colors that are possible. These sophisticated services are free and we recommend exploring them. You can colorize their examples or upload your own photos. Click on a logo to view a site.
Looking for color schemes or need a color's hexadecimal number?
Try Adobe Kuler. It lets you try out, create, and save various color schemes, each of which consists of a set of five colors. There are hundreds of color combinations to search through.
Need help in designing harmonious color schemes?
Color Scheme Designer is a free program for producing harmonious color schemes. It offers several intuitive tools that allow you to produce color schemes based on one, two, three or four base colors with plenty of options for producing effective color schemes.
here to watch the tutorial.